Friday, March 29, 2013

What do we mean by Allergic to Motherhood?

Okay so years of living with food allergies has taught me a few things. First and for most is that quite often motherhood and allergies produce the same reactions. For example your toddler sees your fairly new smart phone sitting on the coffee table, she picks it up and notices that it feels hot. Well what do you do with hot things, you put them in water to cool off. So into your nice cold glass of water goes your cell phone. Then knowing that might not be right they pull it out of the water and immediately go find something to play with. Coming out of the bathroom you notice how well she is playing and congratulate her on playing so well. Patting yourself on the back for having such a calm and independent child and happy that you could use the bathroom alone for a change. Then all at once you notice the puddle around your phone.... it becomes difficult to breathe, then your breathing all but stops as you pick it up and water streams from it. Knowing full well why your daughter was playing so well you suddenly get your breath back only to yell and turn several shades of red. When you get that out of the way and you are a little calmer you try to explain to your toddler why it was wrong only to have them use such perfectly clear logic as to why it was right.

Yep just like allergies, breathing is difficult and a physical reaction is all but guaranteed. Motherhood can really send you into shock. SO how can we cope? Well with antistresstimines of course.
According to Wiki "A histamine antagonist (commonly called an antihistamine) is a pharmaceutical drug that inhibits the action of histamine by blocking it from attaching to histamine receptors; or it may inhibit the enzymatic activity of histidine decarboxylase, catalyzing the transformation of histidine into histamine (atypical antihistaminics)."Antihistamines are commonly used for the relief of allergies caused by intolerance of proteins." 
So an AntiSTRESStimine is a Stress Antagonist which can be just about anything that inhibits stress by blocking it from taking hold of our life and making it spin out of control. Antistresstimines are commonly used for the relief of stress caused by the state of being a mother.
For now we will share some of our favorite antistresstimines. Recipes, products, and destinations that make our lives better. be prepared for some rants along the way. This is just one way that we can cope with our lives. Between us we have 6 adorable stress initiators and when they get together they are an adorable tornado, lets just say there is a lot of chances to use antistresstimines in our lives.