Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Aaaaaah summer is upon us!

I'm sorry to have vanished for so long, I'm now up to 3 kiddos an almost 8 year old, almost 3 year old and an almost 1 year old. They have kept me soo busy this year that blogging was the last thing in my mind. Not to mention that since the birth of my little mr, I've been dealing with intense back pain. Bad to the point of needing to see physical therapists, and extra doctors. Throw that in on top of all my other crazy momma life issues and voila recipe for things falling through the cracks.

We are back with a plan for an awesome summer. My oldest will be joining me this summer on the blog. She is desiring to do her own toy review vlog, so we are going to collaborate this summer. I'll review something from my point of view and she'll do it from hers. So that you, our followers can get a well rounded perspective on how annoying/fun a toy really is. Hehehe.

We'll Be reviewing Legos, especially the friends sets and elves, Barbies, Play doh, and we'll be cooking together. It should be a fun summer!

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