Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Girl Scout Cookie Digital Sales Templates

 Aloha, 2021 is dealing us a major Cookie season blow. I've done the work but I HATE paying for things that I need for a volunteer job like Girl Scouts. SOO here is a link to our door hanger template. You will have to down load it and edit it in word to make it perfect for you. We use Little Brownie baker, and many of the clip art used come straight from their website, so thankful they are finally putting out things we can use even if I crop and only use what I want. hehehehehe.

Door Hanger Template

If you are wondering how I did all the parts here is a rather long tutorial on how I did all the parts, feel free to fast forward through the parts you don't need. 

youtube video

Ready Made templates from video

If you are looking for a Digital activity for your girls to do online during a zoom meeting download these google slide activities and then upload them to your own google drive. Then you can give girls a link to create their own posters. 





Best Thank you would be to follow my Daughter's cookie link and donate a box. The link is in the templates so be sure to change out her photo, QR Code and Web address as well as delivery date. ;)

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