Monday, May 20, 2013


Okay so back when I posted the bread recipe I said I would post some of the variations I make. Today as we near the end of school my daughter's school year her school planned staff appreciation days by color. So one one day we were to bring something blue, then purple, then green, then yellow, And brown. On yellow and brown day we had a cold, so I was unable to bring in the pretzels I had planned to bring for the staff. So instead on this. Last Monday of the school year I brought pretzels. Anyway long intro but here it is my pretzel recipe.

Make my basic bread recipe.

Once you take it out of the bowl following the in a bag rise, you should have a ball of dough. Turn it out onto a floured surface and knead until it is no longer sticking to your hands.

Prepare a pan with a piece of parchment paper. I use Reynolds parchment paper. Trust me you do not want to try and do this without the parchment paper.

I use a pizza cutter to cut off a portion of dough from the large ball. Then I use my hands to make a "snake", although this is also very fun to make with toddlers all the way through grown ups and let them. Playdoh their own shapes. We've done snow men, turtles, Honu or sea turtles, bunnies, or just rolled it out flat and used flower Cookie cutters. For these I made traditional pretzels. Once you have your pretzel shaped place it on your parchment paper covered cookie sheet.

Once all of your pretzels are shaped it's time to do the special step that makes them pretzels. Take a large bowl big enough for your pretzels to float in. Add water to it. Then add about a 1/4 cup of baking soda to the water.

Then take your pretzels and let them go swimming.

Be sure to flip it over so both sides get wet, then place them back on the parchment paper. Repeat this step with all of your pretzels.

Then sprinkle your pretzels with coarse salt. I like the flavor of sea salt so that is what I use, but you could use kosher salt as well. Once that is done place them in the oven at 400 degrees until they are golden brown.

Yummy! Place them on a cooling rack and. Enjoy once you can hold them. I like mine hot, but I've always been told not bread is bad for you. One of those old wives tales I'm sure. Hehe. LOVE these. Pretty sure I'm not going to make lunch now cause I'm so full. Enjoy.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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